APRC Sweepstakes
Your sweeps points will be posted EVERY quarter.
Please keep in mind the deadlines for reporting in regards to Sweepstakes results being posted....
For example, for January shows, Show Secretaries have up to 30 days to submit their reports to the APRC.
The APRC Sweeps Chair may need up to 2 weeks to enter & post those results.
Therefore, the 1st Quarter Results (Jan-Mar) may be posted by the APRC Sweeps Chair by May 15th
2nd Quarter Results (adding April-June) may be posted by August 15th
3rd Quarter Results (adding July-Sept) may be posted by November 15th
4th Quarter Results (adding Oct-Dec) may be posted by February 15th
Show Reports can be snail-mailed to:
Melissa Ordway, APRC Sweeps Secretary
47 Hardscrabble Rd, Port Jervis, NY 12771
Email All Reports to: polishsweeps@gmail.com
American Polish Rabbit Club Sweepstake Show Rules (Effective 1/1/16)
1. Any club wishing to hold an APRC sweepstakes show may do so provided the following provisions are met:
a. The show must have an American Rabbit Breeders Association sanction.
b. The show must have an American Polish Rabbit Club sanction.
2. Any club who wishes to host an APRC sweepstakes show shall apply to the secretary of the APRC for a sanction and provide the ARBA sanction number. The request for a sanction must be received by the secretary at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of the show and be accompanied by appropriate fees. Sanction fee: $15.00 dollars for Open Class and $10.00 for Youth Class.
3. The sponsoring club must print the APRC sweepstakes information in the show catalog, listing the name and address of the APRC secretary, annual dues, and sanction fees.
4. A club sponsoring an APRC sanctioned show must offer at least $5.00 for Best Polish and $3.00 for Best Opposite of Sex (or equivalent of same) if 10 or more rabbits are shown.
5. A copy of the Sweepstakes requirements shall be furnished to the Show Secretary. Show results must be returned to the APRC Sweepstakes Chairperson within thirty (30) days of the conclusion of the show.
6. The APRC Sweepstakes contest shall run from January 1st through Dec 31st of each year. Exhibitors must be members in good standing of the APRC at the time the animal is shown in order to receive sweepstakes points. Awards shall be presented at the annual meeting to the winners. Awards will be presented to open and youth for the following: 1st place thru 10th place overall sweepstakes 1st place thru 5th place in each individual variety 1st place thru 3rd place in quality points.
7. Any APRC member in good standing who exhibits at the ARBA convention or APRC National show shall receive double sweepstakes points. Awards will be presented to open and youth for the following: BOB and BOS BOV and BOSV in each variety Best Display award
8. An awards committee shall be appointed by the President and have an annual budget, approved by the Board of Directors, to purchase sweepstake awards.
9. Sweepstakes points will only be recorded and reported in the name the member used when joining the APRC. Members choosing to show in a partnership must notify the Sweepstakes Chairperson prior to exhibiting under a partnership name. Partnerships must be from the same family and/or reside in the same state. If a person in a partnership shows under a single name, their points will be accumulated under that single name. No points will be combined or separated during a sweepstakes year. The Sweepstakes Chairperson shall record sweepstakes points only in the names as they appear on show reports.
10. Sweepstake points will be awarded at all American Polish Rabbit Club sanctioned shows. If a youth sanction is not offered in conjunction with an open show, youth points may be earned by exhibiting at the respective open show. If a youth sanctioned show is held in conjunction with an open show, youth points will only be awarded for exhibiting in the youth show.
11. Sweepstakes points to be valued as follows: six (6) times number in class for first; Four (4) times number in class for second; Three (3) times number in class for third; Two (2) times number in class for fourth; One (1) times number in class for fifth. One (1) times number of Polish in the show for Best of Breed. One-half (1/2) times the number of Polish in show for Best Opposite of Sex. Quality points will be valued as follows: Best of breed earns two quality points; best opposite of breed earns one quality point. Quality points are earned only if a minimum of five animals are shown by a minimum of three exhibitors.
12. Class Sweepstakes points for the ARBA Convention shows and Polish National Shows will be earned thru 10 places to be valued as follows: twelve (12) times number in class for first; Ten (10) times number in class for second; Nine (9) times number in class for third; Eight (8) times number in class for fourth; Seven (7) times number in class for fifth; Six (6) times number in class for sixth; Four (4) times number in class for seventh; Three (3) times number in class for eighth; Two (2) times number in class for ninth; One (1) times number in class for tenth.
13. To qualify for Sweepstakes Points, all Polish rabbits shall be entered and judged in their showroom classes as described in the Polish rabbit section of the American Rabbit Breeders Association’s Standard of Perfection.
Grouping of varieties and/or age classes will not be allowed for sweepstakes points purposes.