Certificate of Development COD
In order to introduce a new breed or variety of a rabbit or cavy which is not already recognized by the American Rabbit Breeders Association, you must first obtain a Certificate of Development (COD) for the proposed breed or variety. This can be done by submitting a letter requesting the COD with a written proposed standard for the breed or variety, and accompanied with a non-refundable fee of $50.00. You must have been a member of the ARBA for 5 continuous years at the time of application. Upon approval by the ARBA Standards Committee of the materials submitted, a Certificate of Development will be issued. There are further criteria and details which can be found in the ARBA Standard of Perfection or by contacting the ARBA office.
Otter Polish COD Information
Click here for more information about the Otter Polish COD

The Lilac Polish
2019 ARBA Convention

They Passed!!!!

Lets give them
our full support at the
2020 ARBA Convention
in Pennsylvania
If they pass one more time we will all have a
new variety
to show!
Lilac Variety COD Timeline
Thank you Grant Olson
2003 COD issued to Enlow Walker
2004-2005? Failed for eye spot (E-mail from Cathy Szychulda) No hard copy documentation
2006 COD issued to April Wright (AK)
2009 1st Presentation, 1st showing: Failed.
2010 COD issued to Carol George (IN). 1st Presentation, 1st showing: Passed
2011 2nd Presentation, 1st showing: Failed
2012 2nd Presentation, 2nd showing: Failed
2013 COD issued to Jennifer B. Whaley (CA). 1st Presentation, 1st showing:
2014 2nd Presentation, 1st showing: Failed
2015 2nd Presentation, 2nd showing: Failed, no show
COD issued to Carol George (IN) and Pat Glenn (IN)
2016 1st Presentation, 1st showing: Failed
2017 1st Presentation, 2nd showing: Passed
2018 2nd Presentation, 1st showing: Failed
2019 2nd Presentation, 2nd showing: Passed
2020 Convention Canceled