National Show Bid
We ask that you use the APRC National Show bid form when submitting your bid. This way, as we review multiple bids, it provides a consistent format for everyone to follow and therefore an easy comparison of information for the Board to ultimately review and vote on for approval. The bid form will also ensure that each proposing club has reviewed and accepted the National Show rules and guidelines.
NOTE: Once a bid is submitted and approved by the BOD, it is considered a ‘final’ bid. If there are significant changes to the approved bid due to city, county, state, federal, or ARBA regulations/mandates that affect the date, location, venue, judges, banquet, etc. the hosting club is to contact the Show Liaison Committee to discuss and ultimately document the changes (and reasons) on a new bid form. This ‘updated/revised’ bid form will be re-submitted to the BOD for review and approval.
The completed bid form (below) must be sent to the APRC National Club Secretary/Treasurer no later than September 1, 2024, to be considered for the 2026 national show. If your club is thinking about putting together a bid for 2027, please start working on filling out and submitting the bid form now, and reach out to Michaela Walsh or Jessica Cotter with any questions.
A FILLABLE PDF document is provided below. NOTE: Click on the PDF image below from a Computer
Complete the Bid form and save the document "with changes" to your computer OR "Print" your Bid as a PDF, which will save it to your files.
Attach your completed bid document to your email and send to aprcsecretarytreasurer@gmail.com by the due date noted.
You may also print the blank document, fill it out by hand, and mail it to: Joan Thies, APRC Secretary/Treasurer, 2512 Hickory Lane, Burleson, TX 76028